- cloud内核和原内核有什么不同之处啊?
- @aom233 #1
A cloud-specific Linux package (linux-image-cloud) allowed us to disable features that are not relevant in cloud environments and enable what is really important. For example, features related to bluetooth and sound support are disabled and some drivers needed by the cloud providers are enabled. To illustrate that, Amazon EC2 uses Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) support and Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function, and Microsoft Azure uses Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function], all of them are enabled by default in linux-image-cloud package (and are not needed at all by regular Debian users). - @aom233 #1 内存占用少了那么一点点,储存占用少了一点点,日常上网用没有感觉,换不换的区别感觉不大
- 用了一下 感觉小鸡换成这个还不错
- 学习了
还是要好好学习 - 帮顶
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